Tuesday, November 8, 2011

So, Why the Strange Blog Name?

One afternoon last spring, while I waited in the car enjoying the sunshine during my kids' piano lessons, I noticed a robin gathering dried grass for her nest. I'd never observed this process before and because the day was beautiful, I allowed myself the luxury of lingering to watch.

The robin, rather than flying repeated trips to its nest carrying one piece at a time, continued gathering grass until it had a whole beak-full.  Of course!  That's a much more sensible approach.  I applauded the robin for its cleverness and myself for noticing.

Then something magical happened.  The robin turned my direction.  At that moment, it looked as if it had a big, bushy, straw-colored mustache.

Photo from Minnesota Outdoor Journal

I was delighted!  I felt as if I was experiencing a serendipitous moment meant just for me, one in which I played an important role.  No one else was seeing this bird.  It was up to me to notice, to really see, and to savor.  I alone was given the responsibility of celebrating this divine frivolity.

And celebrate I did.  I put it as my Facebook status.

(That's meant to be funny.)  (Even if it is true.)

This little gift, though, gave me a mental image of what, in part, I wanted my life to be about and consequently what I wanted my blog to be about (if I ever got around to creating one).

Life is difficult and sometimes painful, yes.  but it is also full of beauty and unexpectedly magical moments -- of mustachioed robins.  I'd like to notice these more and celebrate often.

Plus, I figure that if it's not natural for me to linger and to remember to celebrate these things on the sunny days when life is good, it sure won't be easy to do so in difficulty, to rejoice always.  I'm going to need practice -- lots of it.  And I'd better get started now.

So to celebrate (and because mustaches are just plain funny sometimes), here are some mustache pictures just for you... and me.

Photo from http://thelateststory.com/2011/05/27/5466/

Really, who knew an actual Mustache Bird exists:

Photo from http://www.thelensflare.com/gallery/p_bird_42690.php

And one more link.  I can't get the picture to post, but this may be my favorite mustachioed bird picture of all: http://www.flickr.com/photos/springlake/3730189358


Thank you for celebrating with me today!

1 comment:

  1. Now those are some mustaches! Have I shared with you about my second year of teaching when I told one of the assistant principals that I liked his new mustache? He told me I wouldn't win an award for being observant since he'd had it my whole first year too! So thanks for taking note and sharing here. I'm glad to get to see a bit of what you see, which I'd be sure to miss otherwise. Makes me smile and makes me think. But it won't make me grow a mustache myself!
